Sally Stocksdale, PhD.


Making History Come Alive


Dr. Sally Stocksdale presents “Utilizing Michel Henry’s Radical Phenomenology to Analyze the Hesychastic Meditative Experience” – Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, HI, January 2020.

Dr. Sally Stocksdale presents “From Cannibalism to Joy: The Distinguishing Characteristics of the Povol’zhe Famine of 1921-23 in Simbirsk Province”- Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, HI, January, 2020.

Dr. Sally Stocksdale presents “Сохранение Самобытной Национальной Идентичности Поволжья на Исторической Траектории Модернизации” (“Preserving the Authentic National Identity of the Povolzh’e Region in the Historical Trajectory of Modernization”)”- A. A. Plastov Foundation for the Support of Creative Youth, the Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum Conference: “Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Traditional Folk Culture,” Ulyanovsk, Russia, September, 2021.